Mold and Mildew Removal

Mold and Mildew Stucco Tips

Texas Durarock LLC

Say Goodbye to Mold and Mildew With These Important Tips

Mold and mildew are living organisms, consisting of a root system and a “bloom.” They must be completely removed or killed to stop growth. To kill the roots and remove the bloom, Texas Durarock LLC recommends you use a fungus, mildew, mold, and algae remover and low-pressure power washing.

Cold water power washing will remove the bloom but may drive the roots deeper into the stucco finish coat creating a stronger, healthier growth.

You should avoid phosphate-based cleaners including TSP (trisodium phosphate) when cleaning mold and mildew. While TSP and other phosphate-based cleaners can be useful for removing dirt, mold and mildew thrive on the phosphates.

To treat any stains that remain after mold and mildew removal, we recommend you apply a solution of 1 part household bleach and 20 parts clean water to the stucco wall with a soft bristle brush.

The concentration can be increased if a stronger solution is needed. Rinse the wall thoroughly with clean water to remove all traces of bleach. You should test in an inconspicuous area to assess the strength of the solution to ensure no detrimental effects on the finished coat.

Still have questions? Call Texas Durarock LLC at (713) 731-5256.

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